
The Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance introduces ‘Tedarim’

A specialized Master's Degree Track (M.Mus.) for Contemporary Music Performance

Artistic direction and supervision by members of Meitar Ensemble

The Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance introduces a specialized Master's Degree track focusing on performance of 20th and 21st century solo, chamber and ensemble works. The students will work with members of the celebrated Meitar Ensemble on modern repertoire, exploring notation, performance techniques, aesthetic concepts and interpretation.

In addition, the students participating in the program will perform regularly at the JAMD and will be invited to join the Meitar Ensemble in its Tel Aviv concert series.

The TEDARIM intensive two-year program is open for instrumentalists, conductors and composers holding a bachelor’s degree (B.Mus or B.A.Mus. or its academic equivalent). The application is currently possible for the 2025-2026 academic year for composers, conductors, singers and performers of the following instruments: Flute, clarinet, bassoon, violin, viola, cello, piano and percussion. In addition, the Tedarim Track offers a new Specialization in Electronic Music Composition.

Scholarships are available for outstanding students.

Terms of admittance

Materials to be submitted by all applicants by July 31st, 2025.

  • Registration Form

  • Curriculum Vitae and photo

  • Copies of Academic Diplomas

  • A statement about the candidate's motivation, personal expectations and goals.

  • a minimum grade of 90 for the candidate's Major bachelor’s degree subject.

  • a minimum average grade of at least 85 for all other bachelor’s degree courses and subjects.

  • Composers: Composition Portfolio (Recordings: optional)

  • Electronic Music Composition: An original patch in Max/MSP that shows basic competence in musical programming & Composition Portfolio (Recordings: optional), consists of at least two electronic or electro-acoustic works.

  • Performers & conductors: Audio or audio-visual material demonstrating the candidate's current level of performance skills:

    • One major work from the baroque/classical/romantic repertoire of the applicant's choice

    • One work written after 1970

Audition and admittance committees are consisted of members of the JAMD faculty and members of the Meitar Ensemble.


Please contact the JAMD via WhatsApp chat for registration inquiries: +972526633233

For questions and further info about the program please write to: meitarensemble@gmail.com

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